IAS 2 (Inventories) - Summary & Snapshot
IAS 2 sets out the accounting treatment for inventories,
including the determination of cost, the subsequent recognition of an expense and any write-downs to net
realisable value.
Applies to all inventories except:
- work in
progress on construction and service contracts (IAS 11);
- financial
instruments (IAS 32 and IFRS 9); and
- biological
assets arising from agricultural activity (IAS 41).
Does not apply to the measurement of inventories held by:
- producers
of agricultural and forest products, and minerals and mineral products, that
are measured at net
realisable value in accordance with well-established practices in those
industries; and
- commodity
broker-traders who measure their inventories at fair value less costs to sell.
Changes in
the above inventory values are recognised in profit or loss in the period of
the change.
INVENTORIES – assets that are:
- held for
sale in the ordinary course of business;
- in the
process of production for such sale; or
- in the
form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in
the rendering of
estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated
costs necessary to make the sale.
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition, including
the costs of purchase and conversion.
- Costs of
purchase of inventories comprise the purchase price (less trade discounts,
rebates and
items), irrecoverable taxes, and transport, handling and other costs directly
attributable to
- Costs of
conversion include costs directly related to the units of production, such as
direct labour and
allocated fixed and variable production overheads incurred in producing
FAIR VALUE – the price that would be
received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
between market participants at the measurement date.
- - Inventories shall be stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
- - To the extent that service providers have inventories, they measure them at the costs of their production. These costs are primarily the costs of labour directly engaged in providing the service, including supervisory personnel, and attributable overheads.
- - The cost of inventories of items that are ordinarily interchangeable and have not been produced and segregated for specific projects is determined by using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) or weighted average cost formula. The same cost formula shall be adopted for all inventories having a similar nature and use to the entity.
- - Inventories are usually written down to NRV on an item by item basis, unless it is more appropriate to group similar or related items.
Recognition as an expense
- - When inventories are sold, the carrying amount of those inventories should be recognised as an expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognised.
- - Any losses of inventories and the amount of any write-down to net realisable value shall be recognized as expense in the period in which the loss or write-down occurs.
- - Any reversal of any write-down of inventories that resulted from an increase in the net realisable value shall be recognised as a reduction in the inventory expense in the period in which the reversal occurs.
The following shall be disclosed in the financial
- the accounting policies for inventories
- the total carrying amount of inventories and
the carrying amount in classifications appropriate to the entity
- the carrying amount of inventories carried at
fair value less costs to sell
- the amount of inventories recognised as an
expense during the period
- the amount of any write-down of inventories
recognised as an expense
- the amount of any reversal of any write-down
that is recognised as a reduction in the amount of inventories recognised as an expense
- the circumstances or events that led to the
reversal of a write-down of inventories
- the carrying amount of inventories pledged as
security for liabilities.
Examples of costs excluded from the cost of inventories and recognized as
an expense when they are incurred:
· Abnormal amounts of wasted materials, labour or other production costs;
· Storage costs, unless those costs are necessary in the production
process before a further production stage;
· Administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing inventories
to their present location and condition; and
· Selling costs.
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